He knew we had a BBQ planned, but I'm not sure he knew what to think when people started to show up dressed up in their 60's attire.
Earlier in the day, he was talking to my mom and Brittany about the 60's. He was telling them about how attractive the ladies were when they wore their poodle skirts with their hair in pony tails..ha! Lets just say he had the surprise of his life when Brittany, Stacey and I walked out onto the deck together wearing our poodle skirts that mom had so generously made for us. Oh my heck!! The look on his face was PRICELESS!! He loved it!! :)
Tim, Carrie and Abbi along with Amanda and Quintin also came down and hung out at the party. It was so great to see them, it has been awhile. They are such great people and fun to be around.
Abbi has grown so much since we have seen her last. Its crazy that she is saying a few words now and walking and running all over the place. I love this little girl!! :)
For their belated honeymoon, Quintin and Amanda went on a cruise to the Catalina Islands. They left Sunday morning and will be back Thursday. They are so lucky!!